Comal County Civil War Veterans Memorial Statue

Sophienburg Museum and Archives

Veterans of Comal County, Texas

Main Page | Civil War | World War II

Comal County World War I Veterans Memorial

Comal County Veterans Database

The database contains only veterans of the U.S. Civil War at this time. Other veterans will be added as information is collected and verified.

Type the first few letters of a last name, then click Search.
Records Found = 14

Adams, Heinrich

Albrecht, August

Aloff, Henry

Altwein, Edward

Alves, August

Alves, Friedrich, Jr.

Alves, Wilhelm

Anderson, William

Andrae, W

Appmann, William

Arnold, Philipp

Arnung, Otto

Artzt, Christian

Artzt, Gustav

More information can be found in the books War Between the States, Participants from Comal County, Texas and War Between the States, Comal County Texas in the Civil War, and in the Sophienburg Archives.

Type the first few letters of a last name, then click Search.
Records Found = 14