Comal County Civil War Veterans Memorial Statue

Sophienburg Museum and Archives

Veterans of Comal County, Texas

Main Page | Civil War | World War II

Comal County World War I Veterans Memorial

U.S. Civil War

Reflections: Oral History Audio


War Between the States
Participants from
Comal County, Texas

Compiled and Edited by
Wilfred H. Schlather

Printed under a grant to The Sophienburg Museum and Archives from the Summerfield G. Roberts Foundation. 207 Pages

ISBN: 978-0-615-28045-5

$34.95 Buy from Sophie’s Shop

War Between the States
Comal County Texas in the Civil War
As Reported in the
Neu Braunfelser Zeitung 1859 to 1865

Compiled and Edited by
Francis R. Horne

Translations by Margot Hendricks and Oscar Haas (deceased)

Printed under a grant to The Sophienburg Museum and Archives from the Summerfield G. Roberts Foundation. 127 Pages

ISBN: 978-0-925854-33-9

$34.95 Buy from Sophie’s Shop