Mission Nuestra Señora marker its original location off Texas Highway 46, presently in front of Chick-fil-A.
By Keva Hoffmann Boardman —
This is the story of two markers. One was put up at Comal Springs in 1968, and the other was placed outside the yard of Franz and Mary Joyce Coreth on Hwy 46 (it now stands in front of Chick-fil-A). They both mark the location of Mission Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
So the question is, why? Some background on the mission is needed to understand.
Very basically, the establishment of the missions in Texas began in the 1630s. Spain needed to hold the land, and they wanted to Christianize the native peoples. Franciscan monks were tasked to set up and oversee missions across Texas which would gather the migratory tribes into permanent settlements with the hope of converting them to Christianity, as well as teach them agricultural techniques and trades.
Spain usually sent soldiers along with the Franciscan missionaries to establish presidios (forts) for the protection of the missions and settlements. The presidios and the missions were hardly compatible, both with differing agendas. Trouble between the soldiers and the Native Americans led to friction between the missionaries and the soldiers. The monks abhorred the abuse and antagonistic measures the soldiers used against the native people they were trying to befriend.
Our mission, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe was born out of this struggle.
Three missions were established on the San Xavier (San Gabriel) River in Milam County in the 1740s: San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas (1747), San Ildefonzo (1748) and Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (1749). These were referred to as the San Xavier missions. The presidio San Francisco Xavier de Gigedo was set up to guard all three missions.
The relationship between these missions and the neighboring presidio broke down over the mistreatment of the Native Americans. The conflict went on unresolved for several years, culminating in the murder of Friar Juan Jose Ganzábal and a civilian at the Candalaria Mission in February 1752. Soldiers, Native Americans and civilians were gathered and held for questioning. Official proceedings held at Presidio San Antonio de Bejar (the fort protecting the San Antonio missions) took place from May 13 to June 14, but reached no real judgment and without convictions or anyone punished.
By 1753, the San Xavier missions were full of fear and faced the added tragedy of drought which led to bad water and “pests” which brought sickness; the missionaries were pleading to be relocated to the San Marcos springs. San Ildefonzo no longer had priests or Native Americans and Candelaria was left with only one friar. San Francisco Xavier managed to hold onto 70 converted Native Americans and one friar. Even the presidio captain was requesting to move to the San Saba River.
In 1755, missionaries and remaining Native Americans fled without Church or Spanish sanction to the San Marcos River. Some of the native people moved to the San Antonio de Valero mission (Alamo): Cocos, Xaraname, Tejas, Bidai and Orcoquiza tribes were among them. The Mayeye people refused to go to San Antonio and stayed with the friar of San Francisco Xavier at San Marcos. He requested and was given permission to establish a mission on the Guadalupe River. He also requested and was given permission to not have a presidio but civilians “of good family” to help protect the mission.
In 1756, the mission San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas was relocated and reestablished in New Braunfels as Mission Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. The site chosen had been scouted out by soldiers and priests from San Antonio and described in records:
There are several large springs flowing from a rocky hill nearby, and advantages for an irrigation ditch on the west side of the river a short distance from the springs; there is excellent lands for crops, plentiful timber, pasture lands, and the ridge north of the stream is thought to contain minerals.
The new mission was visited in 1757 and said to be comprised of a small mission building (most likely of wood construction) with two friars, 41 Native Americans (Mayeye) of which 27 were baptized, and several huts in which lived four civilian families.
At this point, information on Nuestra Señora literally vanishes from records. All that is referenced is a request of the friars for the return of San Francisco Xavier’s equipment (6 bells and some utensils valued at $1804.50. The equipment eventually went to the new San Saba mission. There is also a statement in 1762, that says at the time of the San Saba mission’s destruction in March 1758, Mission Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe had already been abandoned due to its inability to sustain itself against multiple enemies.
Knowing all of that, we can return to the dilemma of two markers. Based on the detailed description of the site in 1756, it seems the short-lived mission could have been down by the Comal Springs (1968 marker). And although the mission name includes “Guadalupe” we need to remember that early Spanish explorers often called the Comal, from the springs to the confluence, the Guadalupe. This seems to be a good fit.
The 1936 marker up on Texas Highway 46 claims Nuestra Señora to be near or on Mission Hill. Was it likely that they would establish a settlement on the hill and travel through Panther Canyon to Comal Springs? Would they have used the spring at Altgelt’s pond below Mission Hill? Perhaps Mission Hill held some sort of significance as the highest point? Could it have been named because of its just over a mile location from the mission down by Comal Springs? It seems a less likely location.
Also, who gave the hill that name: Native Americans? Spanish? Texas Rangers? The early German immigrants called it by that name and there are two maps that recognize it as Mission Hill from 1878. After scouring the Sophienburg Archives and talking to archivists at the Texas General Land Office and at the Spanish Collection of the Bexar County Archives, hard, provable evidence of the little mission’s location just hasn’t been found.
So, the mystery around Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe will remain — a mission lost but not forgotten.
Sources: Roemer’s Texas in 1848 by Ferdinand Roemer; “Texas in the Middle Eighteenth Century” by Herbert E. Bolton, “Proceedings Year of 1752” by Don Torivio de Vrrutia (Bexar County Archives); Handbook of Texas; Texas Almanac 1936; Texas Historical Commission; Texas General Land Office map collection; Sophienburg Museum & Archives map collection and Liebscher and Haas manuscript collections; https://www/texasalmanac.com/articles/the-spanish-mission-in-texas.
“Around the Sophienburg” is published every other weekend in the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung.