Family Histories
Sophienburg Archives — Comal County Genealogy Society
The Comal County Genealogy Society houses its entire research collection at the Sophienburg Museum and Archives. The reading room allows public access to these records.
FH # | SURNAME | Title | Ref No |
A-08 | AHRENS | Descendents of Heinrich Conrad Ahrens | GS0134 |
A-01 | ALTGELT | Reminiscence of Altgelt Family | R0021.003 |
A-02 | ALTWEIN | Desc of Johann Gotthult Altwein & Wilhelmine Quant | R0773.001 |
A-03 | ALVES | Friedrich Alves Family History | R0338.001 |
A-04 | ARMKE | Friedrich Armke Family Journal | R0624.001 |
A-05 | ARNING | Christian Arning & Wilhwlmine Bosse Descendants | GS0686 |
A-06 | ARTZT | Genealogy & History of the Artzt Family | R0193.001 |
B-11 | BADING | The World Book of Badings | 14.1570.002 |
B-19 | BADING | Bading and DuMenil Families | 14.1570.001 |
B-01 | BAETGE | The Baetge Family | R0575.003 |
B-05 | BAIRD | A Baird Family in America | GS0291 |
B-02 | BARKLEY | The Barkley Brigade | R0996 |
B-03 | BARTOSKEWITZ | Descendants of Johann Bartoskewitz & Marie Fries | R0773.002 |
B-04 | BARTOSKEWITZ | The Children of Johann Bartoskewitz & Marie Fries | R0995 |
B-30 | BAUER | The Families of Bauer and Jentsch | R0167 |
B-06 | BECKER | Peter Becker Family | CCGS |
B-07 | BECKER | The Adam Becker Family | R0737.007 |
B-39 | BECKER | Peter Becker Legacy (2 copies) | GS1268 |
B-08 | BENFER | The Benfer Family Journal | R1028.001 |
B-38 | BENKE | Genealogical Information on the Benke Family | R1337 |
B-09 | BENNER | Benner Roots & Branches | R0100.063 |
B-10 | BENOIT | Joseph Benoit & Frederick Wilhelm Wiemann Fam | R0180 |
B-41 | BERRY | John Berry and His Children by Pope | 0609.01 |
B-12 | BESELER | The Beseler Family of Texas | R0861.001 |
B-13 | BIEGERT | Biegert - Eisenhauer Family | R0100.098 |
B-14 | BIELSTEIN | The Bielstein Family | R0411.01 |
B-16 | BLUMBERG | Carl F. & Catherine Blumberg | R0100.006 |
B-15 | BOEER | The Boeer Family from 1799 to 1994 | GS0380 |
B-18 | BOENIG | Otto & Emily Specht Boenig and Their Families | R0635.001 |
B-40 | BOHN | Bohn Family - "Of This I Sing" | 10.001.003 |
B-31 | BONAPARTE | Napoleon Bonaparte | GS0612 |
B-36 | BONN | Ancestors of Harry Adolph Bonn | GS0105 |
B-17 | BORCHERS | Charles Henry Barcher's (Borcher's) Family Journal | R0944.001 |
B-22 | BOSE | The von Bose Family | R0167.001 |
B-20 | BRAEUTIGAM | Hist of Johann Wolfgang Braeutigam & Christine Kensing | R1027 |
B-21 | BRAUNE | Family Tree of Carl Braune & Emma Wittenborn | R0726.003 |
B-23 | BRAUNE | The Braune Family - Four Brothers | R0726.006 |
B-33A | BREMER | The Bremers & Their Kin in Germany & in Texas | Soph |
B-33B | BREMER | The Bremers & Their Kin in Germany & in Texas | Soph |
B-24A | BRIEGER | The Breiger Family (1995) | R1083.001 |
B-24B | BRIEGER | A Compilation of the Brieger Family History (1994) | R1083.000 |
B-25 | BRIETZKE | Brietzke / Bretzke Descendants in Texas | 077.013 |
B-26 | BRIETZKE | August Friedrich Christian Brietzke Family | R0539.002 |
B-35 | BROWN | Ancestors of William Herbert Brown | GS0106 |
B-37 | BROWN | Coming Home to Colony - Jenkins & Brown | SO1286 |
B-27 | BRUEMMER | The Bruemmer Family History | R0100.145 |
B-34 | BUCHNER | Descendants of Martin Buchner | GS0107 |
B-29 | BUSCH | Busch-Gass-Rittimann-Weil Families | GS0293 |
B-32 | BUSCH | Descendants of Jost (Jocelyn) Busch | R0773.004 |
B-28 | BUVINGHAUSEN | Portrait of Two Soldiers of Muertemburg | R1026.001 |
C-07B | CAMPOS | Campos - Chapa - Olvera | 12.1442.001 |
C-01 | CARTER | The Carter-Davidson History | R0100 |
C-02 | CARTER | The Carter-Davidson History | R0100.123 |
C-03 | CARTER | The Carter-Davidson History | R0100.089 |
C-04 | CARTER | The Carter-Davidson History | R0100 |
C-06 | CASTRO | The Castro Family History of the Lipan Apache Band | R1167.001 |
C-07A | CHAPA | Campos - Chapa - Olvera | 12.1442.001 |
C-09 | CLOUDT | History of the Cloudt Family | 14.1614.001 |
C-08 | COLLINGE | The Tale of Two Worlds | 13.1583.000 |
C-05 | CORETH | Ernst Coreth Family | R0508.001 |
D-01 | DAUER | The J. Christian Dauer Family | R0910.001 |
D-21 | DAUER | The Carl Dauer Family | R1213.001 |
D-22 | DAVENPORT | Davenport, Geier, Schmid Families | GS |
D-23 | DECKERT | Benedict & Theresa (Scherrer) Deckert | R1115.002 |
D-02 | DEKUNDER | Dekunder, Schulmeier, Ackermann, Coker, Hatch & Gann | R0904.001 |
D-27 | DELGADO | Delgado - West End and Baseball Park | 11.1455.001 |
D-03 | DEUTSCH | Clara Deutsch's Autograph Album and Family Photographs | R0697 |
D-04 | DEVILBISS | Devilbiss (John Wesley) | R0894.001 |
D-05 | DIERKS | Dietrich Hinrich Christoph Dierks Family History | R0730.008 |
D-17 | DIETEL | German Families in Texas: Dietel, Pape, Baus, & Roeper | R0500.001 |
D-06 | DIETERT | Andreas & Friedericke (Behrendt) Dietert | R0726.007 |
D-07 | DIETERT | Xavier and Sophie Dietert Family | R1095.001 |
D-25 | DIETERT | Dietert, Voss, Rabe Families | R0739 |
D-28 | DIETERT | Frederick Xavier & Elizabeth Sophie Dietert ( A, B, C) | 13.1537.001 |
D-08 | DODSON | Genealogy of the Dodson, Lucas, Pyles, Rochester Fam | R0748.001 |
D-15 | DOEPPENSCHMIDT | Doeppenschmidt, Elbel and Becker Family | R1121.001 |
D-09 | DOERR | Our Family Doerr | R1053.001 |
D-10 | DOLLE | Family of Heinrich Christian Ernt Dolle & Sophie Mueller | R1013.001 |
D-26 | DONEGAN | A Donagan Family History | 1372 |
D-11 | DORROW | Genealogy of the Dorrow and Voges Families - Bandera | R1067.001 |
D-12 | DORROW | Dorrow (Dorow) Family | R0989.001 |
D-13 | DOUAI | Autobiography of Dr. Carl Daniel Adolf Douai | R0007.01 |
D-24 | DOWNING | The World Book of Downings | GS0740 |
D-14 | DREIBRODT | Christian Andreas Dreibrodt & Christiana Mari Vogt | R0726.017 |
D-29 | DREIBRODT | Dreibrodt Family History | 12.0726.001 |
D-18 | DUDERSTADT | The Duderstadts (booklet filed with FH D-20) | GS0589 |
D-20 | DUDERSTADT | The Duderstadts | R0894.003 |
D-16 | DUELM | Descendants of Friedrich Duelm & Dorothea Holzhausen | GS0114 |
D-19 | DUMENIL | du Menil de Rochemont Family of France, Germany, etc | R0952.001 |
E-20 | EBERLY | Eberlys and Martins in Texas | R0100 |
E-01 | EGGELING | The Julius Eggeling Family | GS521-0125 |
E-18 | EICKENROHT | Eickenroht, Friedrich & Augusta Mueller (see Vert File) | GS0816 |
E-02 | EISENHAUER | The Texas Eisenhauers and Their Origins in Germany | GS0324 |
E-03 | ELLEY | Gustav Elley | R0621.001 |
E-04 | ELMENDORF | Elmendorf and Related Families | R0331.001 |
E-15 | EMISSON | The Emisson Families Supplement (1962) | R0748.003 |
E-16 | EMISSON | The Emisson Families Revised | R0748.002 |
E-17 | EMISSON | The Emisson Families Final Supplement (1969) | R0748.001 |
E-05 | ENGEL | Rev August Engel Family History | R0209.021 |
E-06 | ENGELKE | The Ferdinand Engelke Family | GS0559 |
E-07 | ERBEN | Conrad Erben - A Fictionized Memoir | R0100.064 |
E-08 | ERBEN | Conrad Erben & Margaretha Balmert (plus 2nd Edition) | R0694.001 |
E-19 | ERCK | The Erck Family | R1246.001 |
E-09 | ERNST | Johann Peter and Katherine (Schmidt) Ernst | R0894.004 |
E-14 | ERNST | Friedrich Ernst of Industry | GS0120 |
E-10 | ERSKINE | Andrew Nelson Erskine | R0100.065 |
E-11 | ERVENDBERG | Ervenberg Family | R0476.001 |
E-12 | ERXLEBEN | Erxleben, the Name, the Place, and a Family | R0726.016 |
E-23 | ERXLEBEN | Erxleben Family History | 12.0726.002 |
E-22 | ESQUIVEL | Francisco Esquivel Family | 13.1502.001 |
E-13 | EWALD | Johann & Caroline (Krause) Ewald Family | R0726.009 |
E-21 | EWALD | The Ewald Brothers of Zennern | 06.1509.01 |
F-01 | FAIRCHILD | The Early Fairchilds in America | R0915.001 |
F-21 | FAIRCHILD | The Famoly of Daniel Fairchild, Sr. | R0915.002 |
F-03 | FAUST | The Faust Family History | R0737.02 |
F-04 | FEHLIS | Wilhelm Fehlis Family | R0602.001 |
F-02 | FENSKE | The Fenske Family History | R0556.013 |
F-05 | FEY | The Fey Family 1587 - 1989 | R0941.001 |
F-12 | FEY | Descendants of Johannes Fey | unknown |
F-19 | FICKE | Stories of the Ficke Family | R0726.019 |
F-23 | FINK | The Fink, Voelcker, and Klappenbach Families | R0828.001 |
F-06 | FISCHER | Family of Heinrich Fischer and Caroline Droege | R0706.001 |
F-07 | FISCHER | History od Fischer, Texas and the Fischer Family | R0863.001 |
F-08 | FISCHER | Gottlob and Christiana Fischer (Gottlob & Traugott) | R0916.001 |
F-24 | FISCHER | Fischer - Klinger - Salinger Familes - DVD | R1338 |
F-26 | FISCHER | The Fischer Family - Summer 2000 | GS1100 |
F-09 | FLACH | On the Flach Family Trail | R0737.003 |
F-27 | FLACH | Flach Family Trail | GS1264 |
F-10 | FLUSCHE | It Came as a Vision | R0100.085 |
F-16 | FOELLER | Nikolaus Foeller (Feller) | GS0104 |
F-11 | FORSHAGE | Descendants of Christian Heinrich Forshage | R0910.002 |
F-13 | FRANKE | The Inheritance | R0540.001 |
F-14 | FRANTZEN | Frantzen - Erasmus & Johanna | R1051.001 |
F-22 | FRANZEN | Descendants of Erasmus Frantzen | GS1001 |
F-15 | FREITAG | Descendants od Ferdinand Freitag & Caroline Schwanz | R0773.023 |
F-16 | FRIESENHAHN | Anton Friesenhahn Family | R0594.001 |
F-18 | FRIESENHAHN | Anton Friesenhahn Family | R0914.001 |
F-20 | FROELICH | Descendants of Johann Philip Froelich 1792 - 1994 | R0773.00 |
F-25 | FRYE | Frye and Rabe Family | R1318.000 |
G-21 | GALLOWAY | Galloway Family | R0100.368 |
G-23 | GAMBREL | An Ancestral History - 8 B.C. to 1986 A.D. | 0100.187 |
G-08 | GARVENS | Garvens Family History (Vol 1 thru 4) | GS0123 |
G-06 | GEIER | Geier and Schmidt Farms in Selma, Texas 1854 - 1894 | R183.002 |
G-01 | GERHARD | Gerhard (Gerhart) and Schneider 1854 | R0972.001 |
G-02 | GIESECKE | Giesecke Family History 1580 - 1993 (in two books) | R1142.002 |
G-03 | GIESECKE | George Christian Fried. Giesecke & Ernestine Stahrenberg | R0100.068 |
G-17 | GIESECKE | Ad. Giesecke 1846 | R0769.001 |
G-04 | GILLESPIE | The Gillespie Family | R0496.02 |
G-20 | GLENEWINKEL | Through the Years - Henry & Olga Mehlitz Glenewinkel | R1284.000 |
G-05 | GOEBEL | Descendants of Heinrich Goebel and Sophia Pfeil | GS0733 |
G-22 | GOERTH | Goerth - Memoriea of a Texas Grandmother | 0100 |
G-07 | GOMBERT | Justus Gombert and Anna Bickel Family | R0759.001 |
G-14 | GOTTHARDT | Johann Christian Gotthardt & Anna Elizabetha Müller | 1233.008 |
G-16 | GOTTHARDT | A Biographical Sketch of Gustav Gotthardt | R1130.001 |
G-18 | GREEBON | Wilhelm Greebon and Caroline Sattler | GS0781 |
G-19 | GREIFENSTEIN | Wilhelm Greifenstein | R1217.001 |
G-09 | GRONAU | Bells, Geese and Guns by Joachim Gronau | R0944.001 |
G-10 | GROSS | The Story of the Gross Family from Nassau-Oranischen | GS0956 |
G-10 | GROSS | The Story of the Gross Family from Nassau-Oranischen | R0778.001 |
G-11 | GRUENE | Gruene History | R0664.003 |
G-12 | GRUSENDORF | Our Family History - Vol IV - Grusendorf | R0867.002 |
G-12 | GRUSENDORF | Our Family History - Vol IV - Grusendorf (w/supplement) | R0867.003 |
G-13 | GRUSSENDORF | Grussendorf and Hartung Families | R0867.001 |
G-15 | GUENTHER | Descendants of Jacg Guenther and Sophie Hoessel | R0773.007 |
H-01 | HAAG | The Haag Brothers - Friedrich, Peter, & Maqthias | R0911.001 |
H-02 | HABERMANN | Habermann Family Reunion (2 Books A and B) | R0928.001 |
H-28 | HABERMANN | Habermann | GS0803 |
H-32 | HABERMANN | Habermann Family Reunion (Book C) | 07.1626.001 |
H-03A | HAECKER | Friedrich and Maria (Brinkmann) Haecker Family | R0726.008 |
H-03B | HAECKER | Descendants of Friedrich Johann Haecker | GS0777 |
H-29 | HAECKER | Descendants of Karl Johann "Charles" Haecker | GS0778 |
H-30 | HAECKER | Descendants of Henry (Heinrich) Haecker | GS0779 |
H-39 | HAECKER | Haecker & Rosebrock (by Hyatt & Scales) | GS117 |
H-31 | HAIRSTON | The Hairstons - An American Family in Black and White | GS0962 |
H-04 | HALLER | The Haller Haus | R1111.001 |
H-38 | HANDER | Hander Family - They Chose Texas | 100.002 |
H-05 | HANKS | Genealogy of the Hanks and Allied Families | R0748.002 |
H-06 | HANZ | Family History of Christian and Christine Hanz & Desc | R0889.001 |
H-07 | HARBORTH | Descendants of Wilhelm Harborth & Caroline Basse | R1145.001 |
H-08 | HARTUNG | Johann Christian Hartung | 0399.001 |
H-09 | HEHMSOTH | Autobiography by Carl Hehmsoth | R0461.001 |
H-26 | HEIL | One "Heil" of a Family | R0100.073 |
H-11 | HEILIG | Julius Ferdinand Heilig Family | R0737.007 |
H-12 | HEIMANN | John Wilhelm and Marie (Bonn) Heimann | R0111.001 |
H-37 | HEIMER | The Michael Heimer Family | R1228.002 |
H-13 | HEINEMANN | Heinemann & Brockmann Family | R0826.001 |
H-14 | HEINEMANN | Descendants of Valentine Heinemann | R1142.001 |
H-15 | HEITKAMP | Friedrich Heitkamp Family | R0710.001 |
H-10 | HELMKE | Helmke, Andreas | GS0449 |
H-16 | HELMKE | Family History of Helmke - Helmcken | GS1009 |
H-17 | HEMME | Ancestors & Desc of Hugo J Hemme and Lydia Barsch | R1180.001 |
H-18 | HENCY | Hency | GS0708 |
H-19 | HERBORT | Heinrich Herbort | R0100.08 |
H-27 | HITZFELDER | Ancestors of Leonard Hitzfelder and Marie Barbara Denzer | R1131.001 |
H-34 | HITZFELDER | Family History of Leonard Hitzfelder & Marie B Denzer | R1283.002 |
H-25 | HOELSCHER | Hoelscher Family of Texas | GS0407 |
H-35 | HOELSCHER | Hoelscher Family of Texas - 1845 - 2003 | R1050.001 |
H-23 | HOKANSON | Hokanson Family History | R1036.001 |
H-36 | HOLLIS | The Hollies - A Hollis Family History | R0184.000 |
H-20 | HOLZMANN | Descendents of Jakob Holzmann & Katherine Reinhard | R1073 |
H-21 | HOMANN | The Homann Family History | R0100.099 |
H-22 | HOUSTON | The Houston Family | R0100.087 |
H-40 | HUBERTUS | Hubertus - Johannes, Wilhelm, and Peter (Compact Disc) | 10.1397.001 |
H-33 | HUEBNER | A & B & C - Huebner Saga 1 & 2 & 3 | GS0102 |
H-24 | HUTZLER | Hutzler, Adolf and Zinsmeyer, Hedwig | GS0492 |
I-02 | IMHOFF | Imhoff Family History and Family Tree | GS0165 |
I-01 | ISENSEE | The Isensee Family & Their Descendants 1799 - 2001 | R0199P |
J-05 | JAUER | Johann Carl Jauer and His Descendants | R1256.001 |
J-01A | JONAS | Jonas Families - Vol 1 | R0884.002 |
J-01B | JONAS | Jonas Families - Vol 2 | R0884.002 |
J-01C | JONAS | Jonas Families - Vol 3 (Supplement) | R0884.001 |
J-07 | JONAS | Jonas, Schorn, Reiley, Eckard, Families | R0991.000 |
J-06 | JOSTES | Satmmbaum II - Josted Neumann Family Tree | R1193.003 |
J-03A | JUNG | The Jung Connection - Vol 1 | GS0581 |
J-03B | JUNG | The Jung Connection - Vol 2 | GS0581 |
J-04 | JUNG | Descendant of Johann Martin Jung | R1142.002 |
K-01 | KABELMACHER | Johann Heinrich Martin Babelmacher | 1002.001 |
K-02 | KAPPMEYER | Family Genealogy of the Kappmeyer Family | 874.001 |
K-28 | KEMPNER | Kempner Family, "Oleanderr Odyssy" | GS0890 |
K-03 | KERN | A Kern Genealogy: Desc of Martin and Rahel Waibel Kern | 946.001 |
K-32 | KETTNER | Die Ketner Briefe | 1343.000 |
K-16 | KLAPPENBACH | Klappenbach and Mittmann Family | 1023 |
K-05 | KLATT | Desc of Gottlich Klatt and Henriette Dreiss/Driess | 773.008 |
K-35 | KLEIN | Stephan Klein & Sons - Joseph & Jacob | 0440 |
K-04 | KNEUPPER | The Kneupper Family (by Bernard Kneupper) | 613.002 |
K-14 | KNEUPPER | Peter & Peter Kneupper (Private - may not be in archives) | |
K-31 | KNEUPPER | Johann Adam Kneupper | 0100 |
K-06 | KNIBBE | Dietrich Knibbe Family History | 1115.001 |
K-07 | KOCH | Christian Koch and Friedricke Koepsel | 726.002 |
K-08 | KOCH | Gottlieb Koch | 856.001 |
K-34 | KOCH | Fritz and Mina (Voges) Koch | 1228.04 |
K-09 | KOEHLER | Family Of Heinrich Friedrich Koehler | 737.004 |
K-10 | KOEPP | Koep Family Descendants That Settled in Central Texas | GS0421 |
K-11 | KOHLENBERG | Friedrich Kohlenberg and Wilhelmina Rakemann Family | 809.001 |
K-12 | KORN | Kernals of Korn | 609.001 |
K-30 | KOSSAETH | F. C. A. Kossaeth & Pauline Knaufft (1848 - 2002) | 1283 |
K-13 | KOTT | Kott - Profile of a Family | 111.002 |
K-37 | KRACKAU | Johann Christian Karckau | 1523.001 |
K-38 | KRACKAU | Krackau, Hummel, Wagner, Eberhardt | 1523.002 |
K-19 | KRAFT | Desc of Johannes Kraft and Alma C. Schuhl 1717 - 1994 | 0773-R |
K-18 | KRAMM | Kramm Family History | 710.002 |
K-15 | KRAUSE | Krause-Jonas Family Tree | 100.095 |
K-20 | KRAUSE | Krause Family from Western Comal County at Anhalt | GS0657 |
K-21 | KRAUSE | Krause - Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorce 1976 | GS0417 |
K-25 | KRAUSE | Shipwreck to Settlement: Krause - a Wendish Heritage | 0737.005 |
K-27 | KREISCHE | The Life Story of the Kroesche Family | GS0427 |
K-17 | KRETZMEIER | Kretzmeier in Germany and Texas | GS0115 |
K-22A | KRETZMEIER | Kretzmeier Family History & Family Register | 0605.001 |
K-22B | KRETZMEIER | Kretzmeier Family History & Family Register | |
K-23 | KROESCHE | Kroesche Family - Our Roots | 1033.001 |
K-33 | KRUEGER | Andrew & Auguste Krueger | GS0338 |
K-36 | KRUEGER | Martin and Bernardine (Wolter) Krueger | 0135 |
K-39 | KRUEGER | Max A. & Emilie (Bergener) Krueger Family | 13.0664.128 |
K-24A | KRUGER | Karl and Fredericka (Diekow) Kruger Family History | 0556.011 |
K-24B | KRUGER | Karl and Fredericka (Diekow) Kruger Family History | 0556011 |
K-26 | KRUSE | Kruse Family History | 0737.006 |
K-29 | KUEHLER | William Gerald Kuehler (1882 - 1947) | GS0194 |
L-13 | LANDA | Landa Family Articles | no # |
L-01 | LANGBEIN | Andreas Conrad Langbein Family | 0798.002 |
L-02 | LAUBACH | Family History - Laubach, Offer, Kneupper, Gleitz (Feb 1980) | 0966.001 |
L-14 | LAUBACH | Descendants of Simon Laubach and Dora Scheel | 1224.001 |
L-15 | LAUBACH | Caroline Laubach and Jurgen Lange | 1245.001 |
L-03 | LEESCH | Desc of Johann Fredrich Tobias Leesch & Sophie Frede Tode | GS0656 |
L-18 | LENERT | The Lenert Family | 1346 |
L-04 | LENZ | Lenz Descendants That Settled in Texas | 0773.010 |
L-05 | LINNARTZ | Linnartz Family | 0737.010 |
L-16 | LINNARTZ | Linnartz - Life Streams | 1231 |
L-06 | LOCKSTEDT | The Friedrich Lockstdt Family in Texas - The First Century | 0653.001 |
L-20 | LOEFFLER | Laura Louise Loeffler Kuehler (1889 - 1966) | GS0195 |
L-07 | LOWE /LOEP | Lowe / Loep Families | 0952.001 |
L-17 | LUCKENBACH | Descendants of Johann Sebastian Luckenbach | no # |
L-19 | LUCKENBACH | History of Eugene and Lina Luckenbach | GS0110 |
L-08 | LUDWIG | Joseph Ludwig | 0997.013 |
L-21 | LUDWIG | Benjamin Ludwig Family | 1228.03 |
L-09 | LUEDERS | John and Sophie (Linnartz) Lueders Family | 0287.001 |
L-10 | LUERSON | Juergen Luerson Family (includes 0953.002) | 0953.001 |
L-12 | LUND | Otto - Experiences of Otto Henry Lund | 1144.001 |
L-11 | LUNTZEL | Luntzel Family History | 0860.002 |
M-01 | MacNAUL | The MacNaul / McNaul Family | GS0560 |
M-21 | MAGNUS | Johannes Magnus and Katherine Wetz | GS0782 |
M-26 | MAGNUS | Johannes Peter Magnus & Katherine Wetz | GS1185 |
M-22 | MARBACH | The Marbach Family | 1201.001 |
M-02 | MARTENS | The Martens Family Tree | 0538.001 |
M-03 | MATTKE | Descendants of Carl Wilhelm & Emilie (Muenchow) Mattke | 0773.011 |
M-04 | MATZKE | Family History Matzke - Heinrich - Richter - Schappen | 0816.001 |
M-05 | MAURER | Maurer Family History | 0726.004 |
M-06 | MECKEL | Meckel Family History | 0717.001 |
M-25 | MEEK | Meek and Irle | GS1178 |
M-07 | MEIER | Meier, Johann Henrich Andres | 0797.001 |
M-08 | MEINRATH | Johann Meinrath Family | 1179.001 |
M-09 | MERTZ | The William Mertz Family from Germany to Texas | GS0411 |
M-27A | METTER | Metter Family History - Part 1 | 10.1421.001 |
M-27B | METTER | Metter Family History - Part 2 | 10.1421.002 |
M-27C | METTER | Metter Family History - Part 3 | 10.1421.003 |
M-27D | METTER | Metter Family History - Part 4 | 10.1421.004 |
M-24 | METZGER | Frederick Metzger | GS0109 |
M-10 | MEUSEBACH | John O. Meusebach (available by appointment - Alton Rahe) | GS0629 |
M-28 | MEYER | Meyer, Conrad, Rose Family | 13.1523.003 |
M-11 | MITTENDORF | Heunich Ludwig Mittendorf Family | 0613.003 |
M-12 | MOCKRY | Resczynski Connections Mockery Genealogy | 0697.002 |
M-13 | MOCZYGEMBA | The Reverend Leopold Moczygemba, Partriarch of Polonia | 0100.091 |
M-14A | MOELLER | The Johann Georg Moeller Family (Volume 1) | 0832.002 |
M-14B | MOELLER | The Johann Georg Moeller Family (Volume 2) | 0832.002 |
M-23 | MOELLER | Family History of Johann George Moeller | 1210.001 |
M-15 | MOLLENHAUER | History of the Gotfried Mollenhauer Family | 0807.001 |
M-16 | MOLZ / MOLTZ | Anton Molz (Moltz) Family | 0737.014 |
M-17 | MOOS | Kasper Joseph Moos Family | 1124.001 |
M-18 | MUELLER | Johannes and Elizabeth (Stendebach) Mueller Family | 0832.001 |
M-19 | MUELLER | Fam Hist - Mueller, Daum, Klaerner, Waldschmidt, ……. | 0575.002 |
M-20A | MULLER-MARQ | The Muller - Marquardt - Perner History | 1139.001 |
M-20B | MULLER-MARQ | The Muller - Marquardt - Perner History | 1139.001 |
M-20C | MULLER-MARQ | The Muller - Marquardt - Perner History | GS0819 |
N-01 | NEEB | Ludwig Heinrich Neeb Family | 0914.002 |
N-03 | NEUHOFF | Neuhoff Family of Illinois | 1107.002 |
N-02 | NEUMANN | Descendants of August Fred. & Caroline (Papstein) Neumann | 0773.012 |
N-12 | NEUMANN | Neumann - Schmidt Genealogy | 1059.001 |
N-04 | NEUSE | The Johann Heinrich Neuse Family | 0737.015 |
N-05 | NEUSE | Neuse - Thormeyer - Lockstedt - Schubert Families | 0907.001 |
N-11 | NIX | From Europe to Texas - A Pictorial Family Odyssey | 1368 |
N-06 | NOHL | Diary of Friedrich Nohl - 1848 | 0326.01 |
N-10 | NOVIAN | Nobeljahn-Novian | GS0111 |
N-07 | NOWOTNY | A Biography of George E. Nowotny | 0907.001 |
N-08 | NOWOTNY | Descendants of Wencelaus and Agnes (Solek) Nowotny | 0620001 |
O-10 | OEHLER | The Oehler Family | GS0338 |
O-01 | OELKERS | Johann Heinrich Oelkers Family | 0613.004 |
O-02 | OFFER | History of the Offer Family | 0542.001 |
O-11 | OFFER | History of the Offer Family | 12.1482.001 |
O-03 | OFFERMAN | Offerman Family History | 0559.001 |
O-05 | OLFERS | John B. Olfers Family | GS0399 |
C-07 | OLVERA | Hispanic Families - Campos, Chapa, Olvera | 12.1442.001 |
O-06 | ONDERDONK | Gilbert Onderdonk | GS0457 |
O-07 | ORTIZ | The Ortiz Family of Phoebe Elizabeth Jesse | 1107.005 |
O-04 | OTTO | Otto's Ottine and Allied Famies | 0811.00 |
O-08 | OTTO | Ludwig Fritz Otto | 0811.001 |
O-09 | OTTO | Descendants of Adolph Aug Louis & Thersia (Metzler) Otto | 1337.00 |
P-24 | PAGE | The Page Family | GS0326 |
P-19 | PANTERMUEHL | Pantermuehl, Kruse, Heise Family Tree | 1244.001 |
P-01 | PAPE | Pape Family History | 0737.024 |
P-02 | PAWLIK | Descendants of Frank Pawlik 1851 - 1922 | GS0482 |
P-22 | PEHL | Descendants of Peter Paehl | GS0113 |
P-05 | PENSHORN | Penshorn - Prinzhorn Family History - 1939 | Soph |
P-03 | PETERS | Der Peters Family (BB) and Supplement (RF) | 1111.002 |
P-26 | PETRI | The Johann Petri Family | 12.1460.001 |
P-20 | PFANNSTIEL | Justus David Pfannstiel | GS0856 |
P-04 | PFEIFFER | Pfeiffer - Schmidt Family | 0100.010 |
P-06 | PFEIL | Pfeil Family | 0943.001 |
P-07 | PFEUFFER | Johann George Pfeuffer | 0997.001 |
P-08 | PFLUGER | History of the Pfuger Family 1908 - 194 | GS0424 |
P-09 | PFLUGER | Pfuger History | GS0425 |
P-25 | PFLUGER | Pfluger Family History 2010 | 10.1403.001 |
P-10 | PIEPER | Bio Sketch: Revised Handbook of Texas:Anton Pieper | 0543.001 |
P-11 | PIEPER | Zur Ertinnerung: The Family of Anton & Johanna Pieper | 0543.002 |
P-12 | PLOTZ | The Plotz (Ploetz) Family | 0952.002 |
P-13 | POERNER | The Poerner Conections | GS0421 |
P-14 | POLK | The Changing Times: The Story of the Franz Polk Family | GS0667 |
P-15 | POSEY | The Posey Family in America | 0748.004 |
P-16 | PREISS | The Preiss Family | 0737.016 |
P-17 | PRESSLER | The Adventures of Charles Pressler | 100.0101 |
P-18 | PREUSS | John Preuss 1833 - 1946 | 0100.067 |
P-21 | PROBST | The Probst Family of Mason County | GS0914 |
R-01 | RAHE | The Herman Rahe Family | 0737.017 |
R-17 | RALEY | James Raley | 1209 |
R-16 | RANDOW | History of Christian & Dorothea Randow | 13.1570.001 |
R-02 | RANZAU | The Ludwig Ranzau Family | GS0303 |
R-19 | REEH | Christian Reeh Family | 1336.000.000 |
R-18 | REILEY | Christian Reiley (Reile) | GS0783 |
R-24 | REILEY | Reiley Family Legacy | GS1187 |
R-03 | REINARZ | Reinarz Family Genealogy | 0783.001 |
R-15 | REINARZ | Descendants of Jakabus Reinarz | 1197.001 |
R-04 | REINHARD | Descendants of Johann Reinhard & Katherine Weisbaker | 0773 |
R-05A | REININGER | Family of Albert Chas Reininger & Minna Joh Kretzschmar | 0595.001 |
R-05B | REININGER | Family of Albert Chas Reininger & Minna Joh Kretzschmar | 0595.001 |
R-05C | REININGER | Family of Albert Reininger & Minna Kretzschmar- 2 CDs | 0595.002/3 |
R-06 | REININGER | Johann (John) Reininger Family | 0914.003 |
R-07 | REMMLER | Remmler Family History | 0389.001 |
R-25 | RETZLOFF | Descendants of Mr. Retzloff | 07.1626.002 |
R-08 | RHEINLANDER | Rheinlander Family History & Family Register | 0100.0102 |
R-09 | ROEGE | Desc of Cord Heinrich Roege & Margarethe Breums Gesche | 0773.013 |
R-10 | ROHDE | Family History of Gottfried & Eduard Rohde 1824 - 1870 | 0272.001 |
R-11A | ROSE | Rose Family 1857 - 1973 (Jacob & Fritz Rose) | 0807.02 |
R-11B | ROSE | Rose Family 1722 - 2000 (Jacob & Fritz Rose) | 1216.001 |
R-13 | ROSE | Rose Family 1722 - 2000 (Jacob & Fritz Rose) | 13.1579.002 |
R-20 | ROSENBERG | The Rosenberg Family of Texas | 1379.000.000 |
R-21 | ROSENBERG | The Rosenberg Family of Texas - Volume 2 | 1379.000.001 |
R-22 | ROSENBERG | The Rosenberg Family of Texas - Volume 3 | 1379.00.002 |
R-12 | ROSENTHAL | Christian Rosenthal Family | 0737.018 |
R-23 | RUNGE | The Runge Chronicle - A German Saga of Success | 019.013.000 |
R-14 | RUST | Remnants of the Past: Dorene Borchert & Raymond Rust | GS0716 |
S-01 | SACHERER | Gabriel Sacherer and Hartmann Family | 0691.001 |
S-78 | SACHTLEBEN | Scchtleben Family Life | 1352 |
S-80 | SAENZ | Saenz-Duarte Family Tree | 1455 |
S-72 | SAHM | Ann Caroline Sahm 1863 - 1949 | GS0196 |
S-82 | SALGE | History of the Salge Family | 14.1605.001 |
S-61 | SAMES | Wilhelm Carl Sames 1790 - 1990 | 1210.002 |
S-79 | SCHAEFER-STEIN | Schaefer-Stein Family History (Volumes A, B, & C) | GS1233 |
S-02 | SCHEEL | Bernard Joseph Scheel Family | 0819.001 |
S-03 | SCHEEL | Scheel Family History | 0819.002 |
S-71 | SCHEEL | Bernard Joseph Scheel - His Family 1605 - 2005 | GS0188 |
S-75 | SCHEEL | Bernard Joseph Scheel - His Family 1605 - 2005 | R0819 |
S-04 | SCHEELE | Vergangenheit eine Zukunft geben | 13.0814.004 |
S-65 | SCHEELE | Portrait eine Kaufmannsfamilie aus dem Oldenburger . . . | 13.0819.005 |
S-05 | SCHIEVELBEIN | Wilhelm Carl Schievelbein & Siegfried Schievelbein | GS0637 |
S-06 | SCHIMMELPFENNIG | Schimmelpfennig Family History | 0831.001 |
S-10 | SCHLATHER | John Adam & Sophie (Eickmann) Schlather | 1228.001 |
S-07 | SCHLEICHER | Descendants of August & Johanna (Timmermann) Schleicher | 0773.022 |
S-08 | SCHLICHTING | Schlichtings and Schmucks of Comal & Guadalupe Cos, TX | 0749.001 |
S-09 | SCHLIESING | Carl & Johannette Schliesing - Ancestors & 1st Gen Desc | 0100.122 |
S-60 | SCHMALKOKE | Schmalkoke, Mittendorf, Pape, Meyer, Ludwig, and Rahe | GS0605 |
S-11A | SCHNABEL | Schnabel Family History | 0945.001 |
S-11B | SCHNABEL | Schnabel Family History (1994) | 0945.002 |
S-12 | SCHNEIDER | Anton and Johanne Schneider Family | 1195.001 |
S-13 | SCHNEIDER | Descendants of Balthasar Schneider & Theodore Schneider | 1110.000 |
S-77 | SCHNEIDER | Schneider, Jean | 1340 |
S-14 | SCHOLL | Scholl Family History | 0737.012 |
S-15 | SCHOLZ | Genealogy Report on the Scholz Family | no number |
S-20 | SCHOLZ | August Friedrich Schil & His Descendants in America | 1174 |
S-16 | SCHORN | Ludwig Schorn Family | 0991.001 |
S-17 | SCHRAUB | Phillip Jacob Schraub Genealogy and Family History | 1163.001 |
S-81 | SCHROEDER | The William L Schroder Sr Family | 1436 |
S-18 | SCHROERLUKE | Family History - Reverend Orrin Phillip Schroerluke | 0100.061 |
S-19 | SCHUBERT | Eveltn Myrtis Menfre Schubert - A Genealogical Report | 0653.004 |
S-21 | SCHUBERT | G-Grandmother Johanna Marie Martha Spieker Schubert | 0653.003 |
S-23 | SCHUBERT | Willie Schubert & Charlotte Thormeyer Schubert - Their … | 0853.005 |
S-24 | SCHUENEMANN | Descendants of Heinrich Schuenemann & Wilhelmine Sorge | 0774.014 |
S-25 | SCHUETZE | Family History of Heinrich Schuetze & Louise Seelmann | 0766.001 |
S-76 | SCHULLE | A Schulle Story: Destination America | 1344 |
S-26 | SCHULMEIER | Verandschaft die Schulmeier Verbindung | 0100.106 |
S-70 | SCHULT | Desc of Joachim Schulot & Karoline Bugenhagen | 1259 |
S-27 | SCHULTZE | Descendants of Georg Heinrich Schulgtze 1740 - 1994 | 0773.018 |
S-29 | SCHULZ | Heinrich Wilhelm - Henry C. & Augusta K. Schulz | GS0127 |
S-28 | SCHULZE | Ferdinand F. & Eleanore Schulze & Descendants | GS0642 |
S-30 | SCHULZE | Johann Heinrich Schulze Family | 0773.024 |
S-63 | SCHULZE | Johann Heinrich Schulze Family | 0773.024 |
S-64 | SCHUMACHER | Desc of Heinrich Konrad Schumacher | GS0783 |
S-31 | SCHUMANN | The Schumanns - Heinrich to David Clinton Schumann Crane | 1066.001 |
S-32 | SCHUMANN | Johann Schumann & Desc & Stephan Klein & Ann M. Hoffman | 0176.002 |
S-33 | SCHUMANN | Schumann - Renzlau Families | 0986.001 |
S-69 | SCHUMANN | Desc of August Wilhelm Schumann | GS0155 |
S-22A | SCHWAB | The Schwab Family 1650 - 1992 | 0813.001 |
S-22B | SCHWAB | The Schwab Family 1650 - 2002 | 0813.002 |
S-34 | SCHWARZLOSE | The Schwarzlose Family | 0737.019 |
S-35 | SEEKATZ | The Seekatz Family | 0556.012 |
S-36 | SEGNER | Peter Segner | 0100.107 |
S-66 | SEILER | Seiler Family History | 0100.193 |
S-68 | SEILER | Desc of Johann Jakob Seiler | GS0112 |
S-37 | SIPPEL | Valentine Sipple Family | 0737.020 |
S-38 | SKRZYCKI | Joseph and Anastasia Strzycki Family | 0726.010 |
S-39 | SMITH | Be They Remembered - The Ancestry of Craig Woods Smith | 1014.001 |
S-40A | SOEFJE | Heinrich Soefje Family 1846 - 1982 | 0537.001 |
S-40B | SOEFJE | Soefje Family 1846 - 1993 | 09.1373.001 |
S-73 | SONNENSCHEIM | Gertrude Hulda Sonnenschein 1854 - 1951 | GS0197 |
S-41 | SPANGENBERG | Spangenberg | 0701.001 |
S-42 | SPANNUTH | The Spannuth-Klinger-Fischer Family History 1845 - 1875 | 1139.002 |
S-43 | SPIESS | Speiss Family History (Collection) | 0263.001 |
S-67 | SPORNHAUER | Desc of Johannes Spornhauer | GS0108 |
S-44 | STAATS | Genealogy of the Staats Family | 0821.001 |
S-45 | STAATS | Desc of Casper Staats & Anna Sophia Waelert 1910 - 1994 | 0546.001 |
S-46 | STAATS | Desc of Joh Christian Staats & Anna Cath Marg Mathias | 0773.015 |
S-47 | STABENOW | Desc of Friedrich W Stabenow & Mathilda Meier/Meyer 1883 | 0773.016 |
S-48 | STAPPER | Stapper - Pfeil Family Reunion od September 25, 1999 | GS0713 |
S-49 | STARKE | Starke Family History | 0737.021 |
S-74 | STARTZ | Johann Startz 1798 - 1857 | GS0198 |
S-50 | STAUTZENBERGER | Stautzenberger | 0471.035 |
S-51 | STAUTZENBERGER | The John Phillip Stautzenberger Family & Dietz Community | 0471.036 |
S-52 | STEIN | Von Stein Family History | 0375.001 |
S-53 | STEUBING | The Henry Steubing Family | GS0420 |
S-54 | STEUBING | The Steubing Connection (Three Volumes: A, B, C) | GS0734 |
S-55 | STOLL | History of Andreas Stoll & His Desc - Switzerland to America | GS0673 |
S-62 | STOLTE | Christian Stolte & Frederike Johnna Schroeder | GS0780 |
S-56 | STOLTJE | History of the Stoltje Family | 1082.002 |
S-57 | STORCH | The Johann George & Eva Katherine Storch Family | 0800 |
S-58 | STREY | The Desc of Johann F Strey and Johann Schultz | 0773.017 |
S-59 | STRUVE | The Struve Family In Europe and in Texas | GS323 |
T-01 | TAUSCH | Tausch Family Tree | 0775 |
T-02 | TAUSCH | Johann Friedrich Tausch Family | 0775.002 |
T-03 | TAUSCH | Family History of Johann Friedrich Tausch & Anna Kreitz | 0775.003 |
T-10 | TELTSCHIK | Chronic Der Familie Teltschik | 11.1474.001 |
T-09 | TIETZE | Friedrich Wilhelm Tietze & Eleanor Albrecht Family | 1199.001 |
T-04 | TIMMERMANN | The Seven Timmermann Sisters | 0859.003 |
T-05 | TIMMERMANN | Timmermanns Since the Civil War | 0202.001 |
T-06 | TOEPPERWEIN | Toepperwein | 0123.004 |
T-07 | TSCHOEPE | German Immigrants - Rudolf and Augusta Tschoepe | 0187.001 |
T-08 | TSCHOEPE | Edward and Augusta (Willman) Tschoepe | 0187.002 |
U-05 | UECKER | Heinrich Uecker | GS0862 |
U-01 | UHR | Uhr Family | 1085.001 |
U-04 | ULBRICHT | The Ulbrichts in Texas | 1198 |
U-02 | ULIT | Ulit Family History | 1161.001 |
U-03 | ULIT | Wilhelm Heinrich Christian Ulit | 0926.001 |
V-10 | VEIT | Ancestral History of Doris Ann Veit | 1209.001 |
V-14 | VILLARREAL | Villarreal Family History | 12.1546.001 |
V-01 | VOGEL | Desc of Anton Vogel and Rosa Scheuring | 0001.014 |
V-02 | VOGEL | Obituaries of the Vogel Family | V-02 |
V-13 | VOGEL | Vogel Family History | 0214.001 |
V-03 | VOGES | The History od the Henry Voges Family | 0982.001 |
V-04 | VOGES | The Amazing Storyt of the Voges Family in America | 0100.109 |
V-12 | VOGES | Desc of August Voges and Clara (Vogt) Voges | 0901.001 |
V-05 | VOIGT | The Adam Gottfried Voigt Family | 0100.112 |
V-06 | VOIGT | The Carl Voigt Family | 0792.001 |
V-07 | VOIGT | Desc of Johann Andreas Heinrich Voigt | GS0381 |
V-08 | VORDENBAUM | Desc of Herman Vordenbaum | GS0644 |
V-09 | VOSS | Voss Family History | 0961.001 |
V-11 | VOSS | Albert Gustav Voss and Families "Dietert" | GS0818 |
W-01 | WAGNER | Desc of Carl Wagner & Christine Isreal 1880 - 1994 | 0773.021 |
W-27 | WAGNER | German Pioneers - Wagners in Texas | GS1107 |
W-25 | WAHL | Wahl. Magnus, Koepp Families | 1353 |
W-02 | WAHNSCHOFFE | Wahnschoffe-Thiele Family History | 0174.001 |
W-03 | WALLHOEFER | The Wallhoefer Family | 0716.001 |
W-30 | WARD | Yhe New World of Wards | 1118.001 |
W-24 | WARNCKE | Warncke Family History | 1335 |
W-04 | WATSON | Watson Family Research | GS0762 |
W-05 | WATSON | History of the Watson Family - Irish Immigrants to May…. | GS0157 |
W-06 | WEIDNER | The Weidner Family | 0414.001 |
W-07 | WEISSER | Hermann Fredrich Theodor Weisser | 0620.002 |
W-28 | WELTNER | Heinrich Weltner - Graphite Pencil Craftsman | 10.1388.001 |
W-08 | WENZEL | Ignaz Wenzel | 0594.002 |
W-09 | WERSTERFER | Joseph an Anna Wersterfer Family | 0795.001 |
W-23 | WESCH | Heinrich (Henry) Wesch | GS0784 |
W-26 | WESCH | Wesch Legacy | GS1186 |
W-10 | WEYEL | Desc of Johann Jost Weyel - 1968 edition | 0273.001 |
W-11 | WEYEL | Desc of Johann Jost Weyel - 1993 edition | 0510.001 |
W-29 | WEYEL | Weyel Brothers | 11.1474.002 |
W-12 | WIEDENFELD | Wilhelm Wiedenfeld Family | 0857.001 |
W-13 | WILLMANN | The Willmanns in America | 0008.074 |
W-14 | WILLMANN | Hill Country Folk: The Willmanns - Nies - Knoll Family | 0100.110 |
W-15 | WINKLER | History of Charles A Winkler Family | 0100.108 |
W-16 | WOHLFAHRT | Wohlfahrt Family Tree | GS0182 |
W-17 | WOHLFAHRT | Stalwart Women (Wohlfahrt) | 0785.001 |
W-18 | WRAGE | The Wrage, Starke, Gunn Family | 0764.001 |
W-21 | WUPERMANN | Dairy of Elise Tips Wuppermann - 1850 - 1860 (in English) | 0203.002 |
W-20 | WUPPERMAN | Dairy of Elise Tips Wuppermann - 1850 - 1860 (in German) | 0203.002 |
W-22 | WURZBACH | Wurzbach's Memoirs | GS0302 |
W-19 | WYMANS | The Wymans of Vermilion County, Illinois | 0915.003 |
Z-01 | ZILLMANN | Zillmann Family | 0273.020 |
Z-02A | ZIPP | Johann Jacob Zipp Family - Part 1 | GS0635 |
Z-02B | ZIPP | Johann Jacob Zipp Family - Part 2 | GS0635 |
Z-03 | ZUEHL | The Carl C and Marie (Wrede) Zuehl Desc | 0871.001 |
Z-04 | ZUEHL | The Zuehl Family | 0591 |
Z-09 | ZUEHL | The Zuehl Family (in rare books) | 13.1558.001 |
Z-05 | ZUNKER | Zunker | GS0655 |
Z-06 | ZUNKER | Carl Fritz Zunker Family | GS0416 |
Z-07 | ZUSCHLAG | Zuschlag | 1060.001 |
Z-08 | ZWAHR | The Zwahr Family | 0837 |