Comal, Guadalupe junction important

By Myra Lee Adams Goff When I was in the ninth grade, I had a group of friends who were Mariner Girl Scouts. New Braunfels rivers were the perfect spot for this scouting program. We had a friend who lived on the Guadalupe River and had a rowboat. We would

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Drought, floods, and war affect Comal County Fair

By Myra Lee Adams Goff There were only three times in the long history of the Comal County Fair that the fair was postponed. Two times had to do with weather and one time had to do with war. The very first fair was scheduled to be held in November

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The dark history of Meriwether’s millrace

By Myra Lee Adams Goff What I knew about William Hunter Meriwether could be summed up as “That American from Virginia who had slaves dig the canal next to Landa Park Drive.” That’s changing, thanks to Joy Alexander who has been doing an extensive study of Meriwether. Alexander first became

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