Spicy German Christmas cookie traditions

By Tara V. Kohlenberg — Most families have holiday traditions, no matter the holiday we celebrate. Traditions are the rituals that connect us to our history, celebrating the generations that came before us. German Christmas cookies are the tradition that connects me to my German roots. One of my most

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Recipes for life

By Tara Voigt Kohlenberg Now that circumstances are anything but normal, there is a pretty good chance that you, too, have been playing “What Can I Make With This?” The game is played while standing in front of an open pantry or refrigerator. Don’t get me wrong, I do love

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Many traditions different and alike

By Myra Lee Adams Goff Cultural traditions around the world are alike in many ways. In other words, a common thread links us together as human beings. Take for example, the German tradition of the Kaffeeklatsch compared to the English tradition of Afternoon Tea. Although these traditions share a common

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