Troop 133 – the oldest established troop in New Braunfels

By Tara V. Kohlenberg — The year 2018 marks 75 years of Scouting for New Braunfels Troop 133 sponsored by First Protestant Church. Seventy-five years is a significant milestone… so my story topic is born. At the beginning of any project, we tend to use the “scatter gun approach,” which

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Look and Learn! Part 1

By Keva Hoffmann Boardman — Don’t know your early NB history? No excuses, people. There are many outstanding works of art and memorials you probably see every day just driving through our beautiful downtown. Pack up the kids or load up your Omie and Opie and take a mini field trip

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Depot sign returns to New Braunfels

By Keva Hoffmann Boardman – Imagine it’s 1920. You’re making your way north on Seguin Street and you can just see the roofs of Landa’s flour mill and cottonseed oil gin over the tree line. You get to the “Y’ where Landa Street and N. Seguin split and you stay

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Christmas brings peace, even in time of war

By Tara V. Kohlenberg — Quiet doesn’t happen often in the Sophienburg, so I make the most of it when I can get it. Today, the week before Christmas, I attack the pile of mail on my desk, complete with Christmas cards. One in particular strikes me as I read

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Amanty Christmas Connection

By Tara V. Kohlenberg — Museums tell the stories of our lives over and over again in detail. It becomes challenging to present annual events – like Christmas – in a new and interesting way. Our current special showing is an 18-month long exhibit of War Stories: Memories of New Braunfels

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Birds of War

Keva Hoffmann Boardman, Sophienburg Curator Whether winging their way through barrages of shells, dodging shrapnel, maneuvering through clouds of gas, or flying through torrential downpours of machine gun and anti-aircraft gun bullets, pigeons were feathered aviators that played an essential role in the Great War. Both the Greek and the

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The history behind the Marglin name

By Myra Lee Adams Goff Recently, the Ludwig Leather Company on Seguin Avenue was purchased by Terri Moore Cocanougher, originally from New Braunfels. The new name of the company is Ludwig and Marglin. Why Marglin? Marglin is the French name for Mergele and First Founder Peter Mergele is Terri’s ancestor.

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Dollhouses on display at the Sophienburg

By Myra Lee Adams Goff The Sophienburg Museum celebrates the Christmas season by presenting an exhibit of dollhouses, old toys and dolls, all reminiscent of our Christmas Past. Dollhouses appeared on the scene all over the world hundreds of years ago. In their beginning, they were not toys; they were

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Mission Hill Park

By Myra Lee Adams Goff How would you like to watch the New Braunfels July 4th fireworks from the highest point in New Braunfels? Maybe you could even see the fireworks in San Marcos, Seguin and Randolph Field from this spot. Well, you can’t do it this year, but maybe

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The good old days?

By Myra Lee Adams Goff How easy we ladies have life today compared to the old days in the 1850s. “You’ve come a long way, baby” is the understatement of our time. A woman’s role in society has changed dramatically due to not only modern technology but changes that occurred

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