Birds of War
Keva Hoffmann Boardman, Sophienburg Curator Whether winging their way through barrages of shells, dodging shrapnel, maneuvering through clouds of gas, or flying through torrential downpours of machine gun and anti-aircraft gun bullets, pigeons were feathered aviators that played an essential role in the Great War. Both the Greek and the
“Just a Grand Place to make a Living and a Grand Place to Live”
By Keva Boardman, Sophienburg Curator When the New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce published a new brochure in the 1960s, they (rightfully) had a lot to boast about. New Braunfels was just beginning its change from a small town to a large town. Today, our community is changing from a large
Spirit of the American Doughboy
By Myra Lee Adams Goff For the past few years, artist Jane Felts Mauldin has designed and painted a poster for the Sophienburg for use in advertising. This poster is particularly designed for the Sophienburg’s November event, the German Christmas Market, Weihnachtsmarkt. Appropriately, Mauldin has depicted historical events in New
Finally, after all these years, the book will be published
By Myra Lee Adams Goff — I was born in New Braunfels in 1932 on Camp Street in a home built by my grandfather. My parents were Marcus and Cola Moeller Adams. I am a fifth-generation New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas, and American citizen and proud of it. It is 2006
Ullrich homes on Mill Street tell the story of early home construction
By Myra Lee Adams Goff — What do three houses on Mill Street have in common? The homes located at 502, 528 and 554 West Mill Street are part of New Braunfels’ Mill Street Historic District and they are homes built on the property owned at one time by George Ullrich
Martin Luther important to the Protestant Reformation
By Myra Lee Adams Goff — Happy Easter today while you celebrate the Resurrection and the coming of Spring. It’s a particularly exciting time for members of St. Paul Lutheran Church of New Braunfels. They have chosen to build a new church on their historic property. While traveling down San Antonio
United States enters World War I on April 6th one hundred years ago
(Published in the Herald-Zeitung on April 2, 2017) As far as Americans were concerned, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungary throne on June 28, 1914, was of little concern. Europe, after all, was far away, and the United States had a policy of isolation. Besides, Texas